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Categories: defa

DEFA nousee huipulle ja ottaa johtavan aseman Pohjoismaiden latausmarkkinoilla

DEFA nousee huipulle ja ottaa johtavan aseman Pohjoismaiden latausmarkkinoilla

DEFA-konserni kertoo tänä vuonna julkaistun DEFA Power-sähköauton latausaseman onnistuneesta julkaisusta. Innovatiivinen latausasema on ottanut paikkansa asiakkaiden keskuudessa ja markkinoilla. Yhtiö on vakiinnuttanut paikkansa 25 % markkinaosuudella ennätysajassa. Siitä on tullut myös merkittävä tekijä uuden sukupolven sähköautojen latausratkaisuissa.

Enemmän kuin kilpailija
DEFA on sa

DEFA takes a leading position in the Nordic EV-charging market

DEFA takes a leading position in the Nordic EV-charging market

DEFA Group confirms the successful launch of the charging station DEFA Power, released earlier this year. This groundbreaking product has not only won the hearts of customers but has also generated impressive market growth and financial results for the company. In record time, the company has established itself with a Nordic market share of approximately 25 percent, becoming a significant force in

eConnect is available in several European markets through retail outlets and webshops.

Has quickly become the leading manufacturer of EV charging cables in Europe

DEFA signs agreements with three world leading automotive companies The Norwegian technology company DEFA has signed substantial agreements with three world leading manufacturers of EVs and plug-in hybrids for delivery of EV charging cables. This has given DEFA the position as one of the largest suppliers of EV charging cables in Europe. Meet us at Automechanika in Frankfurt.