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DEFA:n uusi ennätysvuosi

DEFA:n uusi ennätysvuosi

Yli 100 miljoonan Norjan kruunun kasvu globaalin laajenemisen ja e-mobility liiketoiminnan ansiota

 DEFA charging station winner of ADAC European test

DEFA charging station winner of ADAC European test

As German automobile organisation ADAC carried out a comprehensive test of leading charging stations for electric vehicles, the overall winner was DEFA’s 11kW charging station from German manufacturer ABL. DEFA is the distributor of ABL charging stations in all Nordic markets, and the two companies have a long-standing co-operation in product development.

​DEFA:n sähköauton latausjärjestelmällä tehokas lataus kaikkiin kiinteistöihin

​DEFA:n sähköauton latausjärjestelmällä tehokas lataus kaikkiin kiinteistöihin

Useassa suomalaisessa omakotitalossa ja taloyhtiössä mietitään kuumeisesti, miten sähköautojen lataaminen järjestetään asukkaille turvallisesti ja kustannustehokkaasti. DEFA:n latausjärjestelmän älykkäällä ohjauksella saadaan olemassa oleva sähköliittymä riittämään tehokkaaseen lataukseen kaikissa kiinteistöissä.

Bård Klungseth, CEO DEFA Group

REDARC Electronics announce strategic partnership with DEFA

Furthering its dedication to providing innovative products of the highest quality, REDARC Electronics is pleased to announce a new strategic partnership with DEFA, a Norwegian company who provide a range of products and services centred around charging, pre-heating, electric vehicle charging solutions and security of vehicles.

REDARC Electronics gibt strategische Partnerschaft mit DEFA bekannt

REDARC Electronics gibt strategische Partnerschaft mit DEFA bekannt

In Fortführung seines Engagements für innovative Produkte von höchster Qualität freut sich REDARC Electronics, eine neue strategische Partnerschaft mit DEFA bekanntzugeben, einem norwegischen Unternehmen, das eine Reihe von Produkten und Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Laden, Vorwärmen, Ladelösungen für Elektrofahrzeuge und Sicherheit von Fahrzeugen anbietet.

DEFA e-mobility Nordic roll out

DEFA e-mobility Nordic roll out

DEFA is now proud to announce that we are also established with e-mobility solutions in Finland and Denmark.

DEFA:n uusi autokaupan latausasemapaketti

DEFA:n uusi autokaupan latausasemapaketti

DEFA:n menestynyt konsepti on vihdoin saatavilla myös Suomessa. Norjassa jo pitkään myynnissä ollut autokaupan latausasemapaketti lanseerataan nyt Suomen markkinoille yhdessä automaahantuojien ja autoliikkeiden kanssa. Norjassa on suhteessa enemmän sähköautoja kuin missään muualla maailmassa ja DEFA on älykkäissä latausjärjestelmissä markkinajohtaja.

​Driving logs with automatic recording of congestion charging

​Driving logs with automatic recording of congestion charging

Both drivers and companies will be affected when the congestion charge is no longer part of the value of car benefits. In simple terms, this change means that congestion charges as part of private travel and travel to and from work will be taxed as a benefit.

​A bright future

​A bright future

Kurlands skola in Lörenskog realised that it was time to make a switch to LED at the school; partly to save energy and money, but also to create a better educational environment for pleasurable learning. All lights in classrooms, canteens and public areas have been replaced as a result, and students and staff alike are more than pleased with the results.

​Boundless charging

​Boundless charging

With the Outlander PHEV, Mitsubishi is aiming to offer its customers worry-free and sustainable car ownership. Therefore, from the 2019 model year this plug-in hybrid will be supplied with a mode 3 cable from DEFA. The new models will be launched in September.

Christina Bu

​E-mobility experts guests of DEFA during Almedalen Week

DEFA will be giving a number of carefully planned cutting-edge seminars at this year's Almedalen Week, focusing on expansion of the charging infrastructure for electric cars. Christina Bu, the experienced and influential CEO of the ​Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association, will also be participating in order to add further depth and dimension to the discussions.

Mathias Hökfelt, Unimi Solutions

2 feet under

​To meet the increased demand for cost-effective and flexible solutions for charging posts, DEFA is embarking upon a partnership with Swedish innovation company Unimi Solutions with regard to ground foundations. The Unimi universal foundation, simplifies installation work in the field and quality assurance of the installation is performed as early as the excavation stage

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