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Topics: Environment, Energy

DEFA sets the new standard with a pure OCPP 2.0.1 in AC chargers approved by Switch EV!

DEFA sets the new standard with a pure OCPP 2.0.1 in AC chargers approved by Switch EV!

DEFA, a leader in EV charging solutions has brought the new benchmark in AC chargers to market. This innovation is significant not only for DEFA but also for Switch EV, a leading provider of OCPP based charging management software. Together, DEFA and Switch EV are pioneering advancements in EV technology, with DEFA Power leading the way as the AC charger that fully implements the OCPP 2.0.1 standa

AMPECO and DEFA join forces to fulfill AFIR requirements in EV Charging

AMPECO and DEFA join forces to fulfill AFIR requirements in EV Charging

Leading hardware and software EV charging providers announce a strategic partnership, bringing together DEFA’s award-winning AC charger, known for its advanced OCPP 2.0.1 and ISO15118 compliance, and AMPECO’s top-tier Charge Point Management System (CPMS), prioritizing efficiency, secure transactions, enhanced user experience, and compliance with AFIR regulations.

Anders Granquist, DEFA.

New Study: The Majority of EV Owners are Missing out on Significant Savings

In a new study conducted by DEFA, the charging habits of thousands of EV owners have been analyzed. It reveals, among other things, that the majority of drivers charge when electricity prices are at their highest. This means that they are losing money and missing out on significant savings.
An analysis of electricity prices over a year also shows that smart charging has a game-changing impact

DEFA nousee huipulle ja ottaa johtavan aseman Pohjoismaiden latausmarkkinoilla

DEFA nousee huipulle ja ottaa johtavan aseman Pohjoismaiden latausmarkkinoilla

DEFA-konserni kertoo tänä vuonna julkaistun DEFA Power-sähköauton latausaseman onnistuneesta julkaisusta. Innovatiivinen latausasema on ottanut paikkansa asiakkaiden keskuudessa ja markkinoilla. Yhtiö on vakiinnuttanut paikkansa 25 % markkinaosuudella ennätysajassa. Siitä on tullut myös merkittävä tekijä uuden sukupolven sähköautojen latausratkaisuissa.

Enemmän kuin kilpailija
DEFA on sa

DEFA takes a leading position in the Nordic EV-charging market

DEFA takes a leading position in the Nordic EV-charging market

DEFA Group confirms the successful launch of the charging station DEFA Power, released earlier this year. This groundbreaking product has not only won the hearts of customers but has also generated impressive market growth and financial results for the company. In record time, the company has established itself with a Nordic market share of approximately 25 percent, becoming a significant force in

BHG Finland DEFA:n kumppaniksi: Verkkokaupan tunnettu toimija lisää valikoimaansa DEFA sähköautojen latauslaitteet

BHG Finland DEFA:n kumppaniksi: Verkkokaupan tunnettu toimija lisää valikoimaansa DEFA sähköautojen latauslaitteet

BHG Finlandin tunnetuimmat brändit ja toimittavat jatkossa DEFA sähköautojen latauslaitteita kotiin. ja ovat monille tuttuja verkkokauppoja, joiden valikoima täydentyy nyt DEFA:n sähköautojen latausasemilla.
DEFA on tuonut markkinoille uuden sähköautojen latausaseman DEFA Powerin. Palaute asiakkailta ja sähköasentajilta laitteesta on erinomaista ja

Oikealla: Kristian Palmari, Sales & Operations Manager, DEFA Oy ja Taneli Ikonen, Toimitusjohtaja, Nordic Plug.

DEFA ja Nordic Plug yhteistyöhön – verkkokaupan vahvuutena nopeat toimitukset ja sujuva asiakaspalvelu

Nordic Plug on kotimainen latausasemien ja lataustuotteiden verkkokauppa, jonka vahvuutena on asiantuntemus, nopea toimitus koko Suomeen ja sujuva asiakaspalvelu. DEFAn uusi latausasema DEFA Power löytyy Nordic Plugin valikoimasta, ja ensimmäiset laitteen tilaajat saavat latauslaitteensa jo toukokuun aikana.
Nordic Plug toimittaa ensimmäisten joukossa DEFA Power latausasemia kotilataajille. ”DE

To the right: Bård Klungseth, CEO of DEFA Group, and Robert Svendsen, CEO of Wattif AS.

New partnership – DEFA and Wattif EV: The perfect destination charging collaboration

Another significant player in the EV charging market has chosen DEFA Power charging station; it is now official that DEFA Group and Wattif EV have entered into an agreement spanning the European market.
”DEFA Power is the next generation destination charger which sets new standards for EV charging”, says Bård Klungseth, CEO of DEFA Group.

Under this contract, DEFA and Wattif EV will coll

EFUEL ja DEFA allekirjoittivat yhteistyösopimuksen Pohjoismaissa: "Asiakkaat arvostavat älykkäiden latausemien valikoimaamme"

EFUEL ja DEFA allekirjoittivat yhteistyösopimuksen Pohjoismaissa: "Asiakkaat arvostavat älykkäiden latausemien valikoimaamme"

EFUEL ryhtyy toimittamaan DEFAn sähköautojen lataustuotteita Pohjoismaissa. "Tämä on erittäin hyvä uutinen. DEFA ja EFUEL sopivat täydellisesti yhteen", sanoo Martin Jonsson, DEFA eMobilityn varatoimitusjohtaja.
DEFA on vuonna 1946 perustettu norjalainen perheyritys, joka on yli 60 vuoden ajan kytkenyt ajoneuvoja sähköverkkoon. Sen sähköautojen lataustuotteiden valikoima on kattava. Yritys on t

eConnect is available in several European markets through retail outlets and webshops.

Has quickly become the leading manufacturer of EV charging cables in Europe

DEFA signs agreements with three world leading automotive companies The Norwegian technology company DEFA has signed substantial agreements with three world leading manufacturers of EVs and plug-in hybrids for delivery of EV charging cables. This has given DEFA the position as one of the largest suppliers of EV charging cables in Europe. Meet us at Automechanika in Frankfurt.

eMove is available in several European markets through retail outlets and webshops.

eMove - Winner of Red Dot Product Design Award 2022

eMove is awarded the Red Dot Product Design Award 2022. Statement by The Red Dot jury; The single-button control and practical cable management give this sleekly designed charger excellent usability

'DEFA charger range has a very high level of performance and groundbreaking design' says Ståle Kvitle.

DEFA enters agreements securing further worldwide expansion

DEFA can once again announce major deals with partners in Europe and China. The deals secure distribution of showroom chargers and workshop chargers through dealerships and workshops worldwide. These agreements consolidate DEFA’s position as a leading supplier of professional charging solutions.

‘The interior heater and battery charger contribute to less harmful emissions and less fuel consumption’ says Ståle Kvitle, Vice President of Auto Industry in the DEFA Group

European market leader with successful launch in North America

No-idle charging and heating system available through dealerships across Canada European market leader in electrical preheating, DEFA, has secured agreements with all major OEMs, and launched their line of no-idle charging and heating systems in Canada. Due to strong relationships with the car importers and manufacturers in Europe, the same distribution channels are secured in this new region.

​SmartCharge wins another test

​SmartCharge wins another test

In a large test of boat chargers performed by the Norwegian publication Båtmagasinet, DEFA SmartCharge 8A was judged the overall winner, receiving top grades for a well-controlled charging curve and excellent user friendliness.

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