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​A bright future

​A bright future

Kurlands skola in Lörenskog realised that it was time to make a switch to LED at the school; partly to save energy and money, but also to create a better educational environment for pleasurable learning. All lights in classrooms, canteens and public areas have been replaced as a result, and students and staff alike are more than pleased with the results.

​Boundless charging

​Boundless charging

With the Outlander PHEV, Mitsubishi is aiming to offer its customers worry-free and sustainable car ownership. Therefore, from the 2019 model year this plug-in hybrid will be supplied with a mode 3 cable from DEFA. The new models will be launched in September.

Christina Bu

​E-mobility experts guests of DEFA during Almedalen Week

DEFA will be giving a number of carefully planned cutting-edge seminars at this year's Almedalen Week, focusing on expansion of the charging infrastructure for electric cars. Christina Bu, the experienced and influential CEO of the ​Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association, will also be participating in order to add further depth and dimension to the discussions.

Mathias Hökfelt, Unimi Solutions

2 feet under

​To meet the increased demand for cost-effective and flexible solutions for charging posts, DEFA is embarking upon a partnership with Swedish innovation company Unimi Solutions with regard to ground foundations. The Unimi universal foundation, simplifies installation work in the field and quality assurance of the installation is performed as early as the excavation stage

 Hedin Bil takes the lead on the charging issue

Hedin Bil takes the lead on the charging issue

With net sales of SEK 12 billion (2017) and 91 facilities in the Nordic region, and 31 car marques, of which 10 are rechargeable models, Hedin Bil is currently the most important facilitator in the switch to a fossil-free vehicle fleet. By taking the lead on the charging issue, Hedin Bil is building a solid foundation to permit powerful action in a rapidly growing market.

DEFA erzielt weitere Erfolge in Nordamerika

DEFA erzielt weitere Erfolge in Nordamerika

​Toyota Canada ernennt DEFA zu zertifiziertem Lieferanten (Toyota Canada Certified Vendor, TCCV). Das begehrte Zertifizierungsprogramm von Toyota zielt darauf ab, sicherzustellen, dass alle von Toyota an Kunden gelieferten Produkte von höchster Qualität sind, gleichzeitig zeigt sich, dass DEFA als Lieferant in Bezug auf Produktentwicklungen für neue Märkte eine Spitzenposition einnimmt.

The way to swing it

The way to swing it

​DEFA's successful concept is finally making its way from Norway to Sweden. This country has the highest proportion of electric cars anywhere in the world – one in two new cars is rechargeable – and so the motor trade has made contact with DEFA, which is supplying the Installerat och Klart concept together with installation partners.

DEFA concludes contract with leading German car manufacturer

DEFA concludes contract with leading German car manufacturer

This contract means that DEFA will be supplying showroom chargers to the car manufacturer's global sales network. These chargers, appropriately named ShowroomCharger, have been developed specifically to meet the increasing demand for efficient, discreet and safe chargers, ensuring that showroom vehicles always have fully functioning electronic systems

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